Net Control 2 version 11 build 5858

This minor update adds support of Edge browser for Net Control 2 Internet Control engine in Protocol Layer mode.

Edge (aka Project Spartan) is a new browser from Microsoft, which becomes a part of the operating system in Windows 10 and replaces Internet Explorer.

In order to use Net Control 2 web restrictions in Edge browser (as also in Chrome. Firefox, Safari and Opera)  Net Control 2 Internet Control Engine should be installed in Protocol Layer mode. This mode is used by default for all new installations.

Previous versions of Net Control 2 may use Internet Explorer Plug-in mode, so Internet restrictions work in Internet Explorer only and other browsers are automatically disabled when the restrictions are in effect. If Net Control 2 was updated to version 11 from some previous version and Internet restrictions work in Internet Explorer only and do not work in other browsers, you may need to re-install Net Control 2 Internet Control Engine as follows:

  • select student computers in the teacher console;
  • click the main menu command N – Options – Client Options;
  • on Internet tab of the appeared Client Configuration window, enable “Mode 2: Install as Protocol Layer + IE addon (recommended” option;
  • click OK. Changes will be applied after restart of student computers.


Net Control 2 version 11 is here!

Net Control 2 PRO - Registered

We are proud to release today the next major update for our award-winning classroom management software solution Net Control 2, in Standard, PRO and SmallClass editions.

With this release we are opening a new page in development of this project. Most of the program code was moved to a cross-platform framework, which makes possible building software modules for platforms other than Microsoft Windows. In the near future we are planning to present a special version of the teacher module for Macs, and some time later for iOS and Android.

New version of the teacher module for Windows uses capabilities of DirectX technology to make the presentation features more attractive and effective for teaching and learning.

Several new tools were added in version 11 and many existing tools were revised and improved.

New Quiz Constructor allows creating complex quizzes that include several sets of questions for different groups of users in one quiz. Questions may be differentiated by a complexity level or a variant number. So, the teacher can send one quiz to all students, but each group of students will work with its own set of questions, depending on the assigned to the group variant, or the complexity level.

New version of Quiz Constructor simplifies the way of questions creation: all questions may be edited in one table view, all at once, instead of designing each question individually as it was in previous versions. With the current model you can prepare your quiz 2-3 times faster. In addition, now you can also import questions and answers from an (Excel) CSV or text file, or export them to CSV and HTML file formats.

Net Control 2 version 11 includes a new completely redesigned whiteboard tool. Drawn lines and shapes now are represented as objects, and may be easily moved, scaled, rotated or transformed. Now you can easily insert text, graphic files and objects from other programs, capture screen and use it as the board background. We have optimized whiteboard tool for transparent synchronization with new users: even if some students join a whiteboard session after it has begun, they still will see the same picture as other students that were connected to the teacher initially.

Actions performed in Whiteboard session may be stored in special files, and used for further replay on teacher or student computers.

In version 11 we are happy to introduce also new Grades tool. Now teachers can grade students for complete quizzes, correct and incorrect poll results, or for any other event. Grades with optional comments may be shown on student computers, stored, exported or printed.

With the new Planner tool teachers can create and manage lesson plans as a timed set of events or tasks. In the process of the lesson the planner will display in the teacher console, according to the schedule, comments for the teacher, run macros and commands, open tools, helping the teacher to concentrate attention on the lesson details.

Internet restrictions will work now in all major browsers by default. The list of supported browsers includes Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Custom browsers may be added by request.

In version 11 we added a new way of sending files from student computers to teachers. Now Net Control 2 maintains a special exchange folder (by default it is placed in Net Control 2 Common Files\AutoCollect folder on user’s Desktop). Any file copied, saved or changed in this folder will be automatically synchronized with connected teacher computers, and display a notification on them.

Administrators that use Net Control 2 Professional Edition in Windows domain environment with Active Directory services enabled will notice a far better integration of Connection Server authentication services with Active Directory database. Teachers now may be authenticated on Connection Server with their Windows logins or by their membership in a user group. For example, enabling access in Connection Server Management Console to the server for some Windows user group “teachers” or “administrators” will make it possible that all domain user accounts that belong to this user group will be automatically authenticated.

Net Control 2 version 11 includes many other minor improvements, not covered by this document. The more detailed description of major changes is provided in the following article:

The latest version of the software and the respective documentation you can always download in the download sections of our website:

The upgrade policies are available at: To upgrade the software free of charge or to obtain the upgrade discount, please contact us directly at or contact the reseller where you have purchased the previous version of the software.

2nd July 2015, Net Software P.C.

Net Control 2 version 11.0. Detailed “what’s new” log

This document contains the detailed What’s New log for Net Control 2 version 11.0. The document includes only major improvements.

Version 11.0

[Updated] Remote Desktop Viewer:

  • faster loading;
  • better quality of picture in stretched mode;
  • updated full screen mode;
  • remote clipboard operations are enabled by default.

[Updated] PRO Edition can use Windows logins for authentication teachers on Connection Server.

Net Control 2 PRO Edition can use Active Directory database to authenticate teachers on Connection Server by Windows login or a domain user group. For example, if all teachers of an organization belong to one AD user group (e.g. “teachers”), adding this user group to the teachers list in Connection Server Management Console, will enable access of all teachers of the domain to the teacher console at once.

[Updated] Gallery tool:

  • quick control mode: instructors are able to control student computers with mouse and keyboard just by clicking thumbnails in Gallery tool;
  • full screen mode;
  • quick switching between computers;

[Improved] Internet Restrictions tool:

the software uses the updated Internet Restrictions engine that makes possible controlling all Internet browsers (combined IE Plugin and Protocol Layer Mode);

[Improved] Co-Play

Co-Play tool can copy files to students before playing them on student computers;

[New] New, completely redesigned Whiteboard tool:

  • teachers can edit drawn objects (figures), move them on the canvas;
  • add text to each object;
  • in one click add graphic objects from the library;
  • in one click add mathematic symbols from the library;
  • teacher can join students to a Whiteboard session after the session has began, new students will see the same Whiteboard canvas as others;
  • teacher can easily insert graphic files to the Whiteboard, a screenshot of desktop, change backgrounds, paste files from Clipboard;
  • add shadow effects, rotate and resize objects in a click;
  • record actions to a file for further playback;
  • replay Whiteboard files;
  • use color palette of 16mln colors and transparency effects;
  • Whiteboard may be shown on student computers in full-screen mode.

[New] Grades tool:

  • give grades to students as various graphic objects (stars, flags, smiles etc.) or text (A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 etc.);
  • add text comments to each grade;
  • ability to keep multiple grades for each student;
  • send grades to individual or all students, the grades with teacher comments will be displayed in the Student Console;
  • save or print the grade table;
  • grades are automatically stored in current Journal;

[New] Planner:

create lesson plans as a timed set of events or tasks: in the process of lesson the Planner, according to the schedule, will display comments, run standard tools and commands or execute a recorded earlier macro command.

[Improved] Completely re-designed Quiz Constructor:

  • teachers now can faster create quizzes that consist of simple questions: new table view makes possible add and edit multiple questions at a time;
  • updated custom layout editor;
  • teachers can link quizzes with multimedia files and web-resources;
  • quiz questions may be expored to HTML or CSV file for editing or processing with external programs;
  • quiz questions and answers may be imported from CSV files (Excel, OpenOffice);
  • support of “variants” and “complexity levels”: teachers can provide multiple sets of questions in one quiz (the class may be divided to several groups so each group is assigned with its own set of questions (variant) and/or with complexity level.

[New] Teacher can send files to students just by dragging them to the teacher console.

[New] Automatic collecting files from students.

Net Control 2 can monitor a special exchange folder, so any files saved or copied to this folder on student computers will be copied to teacher computers too. The teacher console includes new Received Files tool for easy management of collected files. The teacher can block receiving files from certain students, limit the file size, send files back to students after correction.

[Updated] Updated User Interface. No flickering of thumbnails.



Net Control 2 version 10.21

February 1, 2015

Net Control 2 version 10.21 (Build

This update integrates minor updates, modifications and bug fixes collected from the version 10.2 release. We recommend this update for all registered customers.

To update the software remotely:

– in Professional Edition: load the installation package to the Update repository in Connection Server Management Console (“Update” tab) on the computer where Connection Server components are installed.

– Standard and SmallClass Editions: select student computers in the teacher console, click the main menu command N – Help and Support – Update Client; open the installation package for Net Control 2 version 10.21.


Net Control 2 version 10.2

May 22, 2014

Net Control 2 version 10.2 (Build

1. New version of Internet Restrictions Protocol Layer mode engine.

New version of Protocol Layer mode of Internet Control Engine provides better compatibility with third party applications, server services and system software, supports Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

By default Net Control 2 uses Internet Explorer plug-in mode of Internet Control Engine, which allows applying Internet restrictions in Internet Explorer only. To prevent access to blocked web-sites through alternative browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari Net Control 2 blocks these applications on student computers while restrictions are applied.

Enabling Protocol Layer mode makes possible to expand restrictions to all modern browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari and Netscape, without necessity of blocking them. This means that students can use Chrome or Firefox in their work with restricted access to undesirable content and web-sites. As an additional feature, in this mode Net Control 2 provides also a simple way to prevent access of any other applications to particular network ports or services.

Please note, Net Control 2 version 10.2 still uses old Internet Explorer plug-in mode by default, and in order to use Protocol Layer mode you need to enable it in the process of installation or, if the software is already installed, remotely from the teacher module.

You also need to re-install the mode if a previous version of Protocol Layer Mode was used on student computers.

To enable the mode in the process of installation:

  • installing the software with standard executable (.exe) installation package, use “Advanced Installation” mode on Setup Type step of the installation process;
  • on Select Components page enable “Internet Control Components: Protocol Layer Mode” option and continue with installation.

If the software is already installed, to enable or re-install the mode:

  • select student computers in the teacher console;
  • click the main menu command N – Options – Client Options;
  • on Internet page of the appeared Net Control 2 Client Configuration window enable “Install as Protocol Layer” option;
  • click OK. Changes will be applied after restart of computer.

2. Support of clipboard operations in Control mode

Now Net Control 2 supports clipboard operations in Remote Desktop Viewer (Control command of the top toolbar of the teacher console). These operations include exchanging of text fragments copied to Clipboard between controlled and controlling machines. Only text format is supported currently, clipboard operations will not work in mobile clients (for iOS, Android, Mac OS).

For better compatibility with previous versions of Net Control 2, to avoid conflicts between old and new versions Clipboard operations are disabled by default, in order to enable them:

  • open Control session with any student computer;
  • in the appeared Remote Desktop Viewer window on the teacher machine enable (check) “Enable Remote Clipboard” menu command of Tools menu.

3. Browser View mode for Broadcast Desktop tool.

New Browser View mode may be enabled for Broadcast Desktop tool. When this mode is enabled a picture of the teacher desktop will be available for viewing in any Internet browser connected to the teacher network, and when Broadcast Desktop session is active. This makes possible to expand significantly number of devices where the teacher desktop may be shown in the process of broadcasting.

To enable this mode on the teacher computer:

in the teacher console click the main menu command N – Options – Options;

on Control/Broadcast page enable “Browser View” option;

when it is necessary, correct a default network port for the service in the Browser View Port field;

click OK.

On student computers to get a picture from the teacher computer, in a browser’s address field type:


where computer – is an IP address or DNS name of the teacher computer; 1080 – is a Browser View Port, as was set on Control /Broadcast page of the teacher module Options as described above (1080 by default).

4. Better performance of Broadcast Desktop and Remote Desktop tools in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

Version 10.2 includes new Video Hook Driver for Windows 8 and 8.1, which improves performance of Broadcast Desktop and Remote Desktop tools in these operating systems.


Version 10.2 includes also numerous other minor improvements and bug fixes.

Net Control 2 Student Module for MacOS

January 28, 2014

Net Control 2 Student Module for MacOS

We at Net Software P.C. are happy to announce Net Control 2 Student Module for MacOS.

This classroom management software is based on Net Control 2 Mobile Client platform ( , available in Standard and PRO Editions and provides access to the following features:

Currently the mobile client supports the following features:

  • Broadcast Desktop Viewer – view image of a teacher computer desktop, when the teacher is broadcasting his/her desktop to students;
  • participate in polls and quizzes;
  • “raise hand” virtually;
  • send help requests to a teacher;
  • receive messages and notifications from a teacher;
  • chat with a teacher (by teacher’s request);
  • see the class whiteboard;
  • connect a selected teacher module by an IP address or a DNS name (for Standard Edition);
  • connect a teacher from the list of available teachers (self-registration), for PRO Edition.
  • get lesson information from connected teacher module;

Teacher components and Connection Server software (for PRO Edition) should be installed on Microsoft Windows-based computers separately.

The classroom management software modules are provided as .DMG packages for manual installation.

This mobile client is provided for free, but requires a respective student license on the teacher module or Connection Server computer.

For actual information, download links, hardware and compatibility notes please refer to the home page of the product: .

Net Software P.C.


Net Control 2 Mobile Clients version 10.3.1010

January 28, 2014

Net Control 2 Mobile Clients version 10.3.1010

Next update for Net Control 2 Student Module for Android is already available in Google Play Store. Version includes several improvements for better compatibility with Android devices and full support of Net Control 2 Quizzes.

Additional information and download links are available on the Net Control 2 Mobile Clients home page:

The corresponding version for iPhone/iPad should be available in Apple Store in 7-10 days.

Net Control 2 Mobile Clients – Installation and Configuration Guide

December 3, 2013

Net Control 2 Mobile Clients – Installation and Configuration Guide

New user guide Net Control 2 Mobile Clients – Installation and Configuration Guide is available for download:

This document describes the procedure of installation of mobile clients Net Control 2 Student Module, Standard and PRO Editions for Android, iPhone and iPad; their configuration; compatibility details and notes, supported features list.


Net Control 2 Student Module for iPad, iPhone and Android

November 19, 2013

Net Control 2 Student Module for iPad, iPhone and Android.

We are happy today to announce four new mobile clients for our classroom management software Net Control 2. With this release, we are launching a new product range in Net Control 2 product family and hoping that these new products will be useful for our customers and will make the teaching process even more effective and comfortable.

New products include:

  • Net Control 2 Student Module. Standard Edition for iPad and iPhone;
  • Net Control 2 Student Module. PRO for iPad and iPhone;
  • Net Control 2 Student Module. Standard Edition for Android;
  • Net Control 2 Student Module. PRO for Android.

Taking into account a significant difference between desktop and mobile environments, the mobile clients support only part of the features set of Windows version of Net Control 2 Client.

Currently the mobile client supports the following features:

  • Broadcast Desktop Viewer – view image of a teacher computer desktop, when the teacher is broadcasting his/her desktop to students;
  • get a lesson information from a connected teacher module;
  • “raise hand” virtually;
  • send help requests to a teacher;
  • receive messages and notifications from a teacher;
  • chat with a teacher (by teacher’s request);
  • participate in polls;
  • see the class whiteboard;
  • connect a selected teacher module by an IP address or a DNS name (for Standard Edition);
  • connect a teacher from the list of available teachers (self-registration), for PRO Edition.

Net Control 2 Student Module can work only over Wi-Fi local network connection, teacher components and Connection Server software (for PRO Edition) should be installed on desktop computers separately.

This mobile client is provided for free, but requires a respective student license on Connection Server computer.

For actual information, download links, hardware and compatibility notes please refer to the home page of the product: .

Net Software P.C.


Net Control 2 version 10.1 released

September 11, 2013

Net Control 2 version 10.1 released

Today we are happy to announce next update for our classroom management products Net Control 2 Classroom, Net Control 2 PRO and Net Control 2 SmallClass.

In this version you will find the following changes:

Leader groups (except for SmallClass Edition). Teacher can join several users to a student group, transferring a part of teacher privileges to some leader of the group, the leader can chat with other students of a group with text or voice chat, broadcast his/her screen to others, broadcast any user’s screen to others, control and monitor computers of the student group, use Whiteboard and Send/Collect Files tools (depending on permissions given to the leader by the teacher).

Direct broadcast mode, for complex environments where UDP Broadcast and Multicast protocols don’t work. (The mode is disabled by default, should be enabled in the teacher console settings).

Conference mode for Speech tool, enables a voice chat between teacher and several students at a time, so everyone can hear others (the default mode assumes bi-directional voice chat, i.e. only teacher can hear all students, other students can hear only teacher voice). The conference mode is disabled by default, should be enabled in the teacher console settings.

– Speech tool supports hi-quality sounds by default. Low-quality mode may be enabled to increase performance.

Quick Question tool draws charts upon poll completion.

– Quiz tool: teacher can pause time restricted quizzes.

– Quiz tool: teacher can add time for time restricted quizzes.

– Quiz tool: teacher can suspend quizzes, the quiz state will be stored on student computers and the teacher will be able to restore the suspended quiz and continue testing at any other time.

– Quiz tool: teacher can enable random order for questions of a quiz (before the quiz is started).

– Quiz tool: teacher can allow displaying a detailed results table on test completion. Students can see correct answers with detailed description of earned and available points for each question.

Customizable pop-up panel is displayed on teacher computers when the teacher console is minimized to the task bar. Teachers can execute commands without opening of the teacher console.

– Co-play tool supports shared network folders that are accessible only on a user level (and are inaccessible for system services, for example).

– Desktop Recorder Player supports DRR format of previous versions (9)

– Arabic language support for user interface.

– Unicode support for profiles, workspace, configuration files


PRO Edition: support of reference text files for group contents. The reference file is an external text file that contains a list of Computers, Student IDs or IP addresses forming the group. The file content may be dynamic, i.e. Connection Server reads content of the file (and form groups respectively) at a time of the server startup.

Other minor improvements and bug fixes.

Downloads are available through the download section of our website:

Download links delivered to our registered customers for version 10 are valid for this update.